Just for today...

Just for today, I will be grateful. I will accept my blessings.
Just for today, I will live my own truth. I will be at peace.I will not anger.
Just for today, I will live each moment and value my place in creation. I will not worry. I will trust.
Just for today, I will live my life with integrity. I will do my work honestly.
Just for today, I will honor each person to have his or her own truth. I will be tolerant. I will honor parents, teachers, and elders. I will be kind to every living thing. I will respect life.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Partners in Smiles Living in Las Vegas

This morning I was talking to my son and fellow Reiki Practitioner. He has started a new job and questioning why he is working in this new environment.
So many times, we get tunnel vision and forget that we are beings of light and energy. We are tasked with lightening the area around us and helping others enter light.
Using Reiki to cleanse an area or location is as important as helping relieve pain. Giving a smile and saying something nice is a great gift, but when someone anticipates your next encounter, they build an expectation, they hope you will not fail them, and then they initiate the gift and it becomes an equal exchange. This may not make sense, but let me give you an example:
You are passing a co-worker and they look sad or out of sorts. You smile and exchange pleasantries. They smile and maybe feel better for the shift. It cost you nothing to smile, but the gift you gave can have a cumulative affect. 
The next day, you see the same co-worker in the distance. As you get closer, you remember to smile and again they tentatively smile in return. But what you don't know is that they saw you in the distance and anticipated that smile, wondering if you would smile again and be nice. Now they have two memories of your smiling face and a hope that you will return.
Day three and you see the same co-worker. The anticipation starts and they wonder if you will smile again or will you fail them. We are conditioned to expect others to let us down, but remember this co-worker has two pictures of you smiling and the hope of another smile. If you smile again, it will seal the deal and they will look forward to your smiles. You smile and now they fully smile and take that smile into the day.
The next time you see this person, they will smile first and now it has become an equal exchange. You are not giving a gift you are exchanging gifts and the environment has changed. You now have a partner in smiling. You smile, they smile and others anticipate the smiles and hope. The process is now repeated by you and your partner in smiles and you are joined by others. 
The cumulative affect of a smile is wonderful, but that is the gift of Reiki. Reiki gives us a way to share energy in the most simple ways. We don't just work jobs, we bring energy and help others see beauty.
LV Reiki Lady

Friday, August 27, 2010

Balance in Las Vegas using Reiki by Terri Sallee LV Reiki Lady

What is balance?
Balance is the equalization of parts in a whole. Hardly the definition you learned in school, but if you think about this simple explanation, you will see that this is really the easiest way to express balance and claim it for your life.

Am I out of balance?
Probably. If you have little aches and pains, heartburn, stress, don't sleep well, sleep to much, work to much, work to little, out of work, fighting, fearful, head aches, road rage, or anything you wish you could change; you are probably out of balance today. Did you just say everyday? I think that was what I heard. Well, join the crowd. We are out of balance and the stuff we get hit with each day makes it harder and harder to get that balance back. But I may have some strategies to help reclaim your Balance.
When I first started learning Tai Chi and Qi Gong, my teacher Steve Baugh (http://www.lohanscc.org/Bios/Dashi_Bio.html) said if you didn't have balance physically, your energy was out of balance. Reiki uses the same philosophy for disease or dis - ease. This was equated to sexual energy in martial arts, but I have learned that it is more than one thing that creates or disrupts balance. And by the way, when things are in balance, you do have better physical balance.

Do I need balance?
I think you are the best person to answer that question. Some people do not feel the need for balance. They like highs and lows, excitement and drama, living on the brink of disaster and dragging others into everything with them. Are you one of those people? Or, do you like a little excitement and then a family dinner on Sunday.
Decide and keep reading.

How does energy affect balance?
Reiki is the energy I am referring to and it is the universal energy. How does Reiki affect balance? It evens things out. Reiki lifts the frequency of life and things are less annoying. People are easier to understand. Little things seem more joyful and balance is restored.
Does this happen overnight? Sometimes, but more often, you feel like you have started peeling the layers of an onion.

Can I change and balance my life?
Yes. The answer is simple, but the solution may take a little longer.
Some simple things that help most people are quiet time, healthy diet, regular exercise, regular sleep, and satisfying personal relationships. That sounds overly simple, but sometimes the simplest answer is the best.
In addition, I have found Reiki to help ease everyday stresses. The word Reiki means universal life force. It has the same effect as uplifting music or loving words and actions.
As an example, several years ago, I asked my students to stand on their toes, not ballet, just on the balls of the feet and toes. Many felt unstable and needed to hold the wall or a chair to maintain the position, but some stood easily and balanced for several minutes. As part of my test, I started saying negative words. Hate - one lost balance. Slang and derogatory descriptions - four lost balance. The movie Friday the 13th - the remaining 5 students lost balance.
Well we see that negative words can effect balance, but is the same true of positive words?
I had everyone try again. This time as they started I said words of praise. I said, I love you. I said, you are really great. The difference was amazing. Everyone was able to stand on their toes and balance. Was it a fluke or did it really work.
I said  the negative words again and a few were able to maintain balance, but the majority lost balance very quickly. As they tried to regain the balance, I said the word Reiki and used my Reiki energy to activate the symbols in the room. Each student was able to stand on their toes and balance for several minutes.
I challenge you to find powerful, positive imagery and words that will assist you in regaining balance in your life.
If you would like to learn more about Reiki and the use of Reiki energy to balance your life, I would like to help. Just drop me an email.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Las Vegas Reiki your day

Las Vegas Friends,
Can you imagine a day that is totally energized and fun? I think we all look forward to the good days, but do you feel that you have control of those days or how often they happen?
You do.
Yes, I will tell you it depends on your attitude, but it can also be part of your daily routine to Reiki your day. If you use Reiki on the entire day, would you respond differently to situations? Would you approach the checker with more openness? Would you be more friendly? Would you feel more protected?
I think the answer is YES.
I have experienced days where everything seemed to go wrong, and a stranger would say something nice, and the day changed. Suddenly, everything started going right.
Why not start your day out right each morning and give that added something to others that you meet in passing?
Just for today, I will Reiki my day.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Reiki is Simple in Las Vegas

Reiki is simple, but so often practitioners complicate the simple process with ritual or exacting demands.
Does it really matter if I use all of the hand gestures? Will I get better results if the client wears a specific color? Should I hold my tongue a specific way? Do I need more expensive crystals?
These and many more are questions that my students have asked over the years. I can honestly say that some of the best Reiki sessions I have given or received, have been the simplest. Do the extras help? Sometimes, but are they necessary? That answer is not so simple.
I think the best answer is to trust intuition. Don't let your ego get in the way and go back to the basics when in doubt.
This is not brain surgery, but at the time you are using Reiki for anyone, it may be important to let the energy do the tough stuff and remain passive in the process. Sometimes, it's fun to try new techniques or tools. Sometimes you may want to use a specific piece of rose quartz or other complimentary therapy, but remember this is REIKI.
Reiki is simple. Hands on, Reiki on. Hands off, Reiki off. Simple.
LV Reiki Lady