Just for today...

Just for today, I will be grateful. I will accept my blessings.
Just for today, I will live my own truth. I will be at peace.I will not anger.
Just for today, I will live each moment and value my place in creation. I will not worry. I will trust.
Just for today, I will live my life with integrity. I will do my work honestly.
Just for today, I will honor each person to have his or her own truth. I will be tolerant. I will honor parents, teachers, and elders. I will be kind to every living thing. I will respect life.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Las Vegas Reiki your day

Las Vegas Friends,
Can you imagine a day that is totally energized and fun? I think we all look forward to the good days, but do you feel that you have control of those days or how often they happen?
You do.
Yes, I will tell you it depends on your attitude, but it can also be part of your daily routine to Reiki your day. If you use Reiki on the entire day, would you respond differently to situations? Would you approach the checker with more openness? Would you be more friendly? Would you feel more protected?
I think the answer is YES.
I have experienced days where everything seemed to go wrong, and a stranger would say something nice, and the day changed. Suddenly, everything started going right.
Why not start your day out right each morning and give that added something to others that you meet in passing?
Just for today, I will Reiki my day.

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